Securing an application

Securing an application

To create a SecureApp, follow these steps:

Deploy sample application (optional)

If you don’t have an application to secure, you can deploy a sample application using the following command:

  1. Create a new namespace sample-app
kubectl create namespace sample-app
  1. Deploy the sample application
kubectl apply -f

This creates an Nginx deployment and a LoadBalancer type service in the sample-app namespace.

  1. Wait for the service to get an external IP and verify that the application is accessible
kubectl -n=sample-app get all
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/sample-app-66bfb44d9b-l7w4j   1/1     Running   0          3m32s

NAME                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP       PORT(S)        AGE
service/sample-app-service   LoadBalancer   80:30654/TCP   3m33s

NAME                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/sample-app   1/1     1            1           3m34s

NAME                                    DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/sample-app-66bfb44d9b   1         1         1       3m34s
Sample app

Create a SecureApp

  1. Login to the Kubepass dashboard
  2. Click on the Apps tab and click on Create new dropdown and select SecureApp
  3. Enter necessary information
SecureApp form
In this step, we create a role named Sample Role and associate it with SecureApp. A SecureApp can have one or more roles. Only users assigned with at least one of these roles will gain access to the application.

For more information on the fields, refer to the SecureApp Configuration section.

  1. Click on Create
  2. Wait for a few seconds for the application to be created. You can verify the status in the Apps tab.
SecureApp status
  1. After a few seconds, visit the EXTERNAL-IP of the application. You will be redirected to the Kubepass login page.
Kubepass login
  1. If you login with the admin credentials, you will see an Access Denied page because the admin user does not have the necessary role (Sample Role) to access the application.
Access Denied

Congratulations! You have successfully secured an application using Kubepass.

In the next section, you will learn how to manage users and assign roles for application access.

SecureApp Configuration

Display NameUser friendly name displayed on the UI and login screen
DescriptionShort description of the application, will be displayed on the dashboard
CategoryCategory of the application, will be displayed on the dashboard. If not provided, the application will be defaulted to Uncategorized
ServiceSelect the service and port from the dropdown. Services are grouped by namespaces
Ingress URLIf you have configured an ingress URL, please enter it here. Once provided, access to the application will be restricted to this URL only. For instance, if you have an external IP that’s mapped to a URL, and you enter that URL here, users will only be able to log in through the URL, not the external IP.
RolesAll applications must have one or more roles. Access to an application is provided via Roles. Only users with the role will be able to access the application.
Webhook URLIf you have a webhook that you want to call when a user logs in, you can provide the URL here. Refer to the Webhook section for more details.


Kubepass supports calling a webhook when a user logs in. The user will be allowed to login only if the webhook returns a 200 response code.

For example, you can use this to send a notification to Slack when a user logs in or to update a user’s profile in a third-party application or to implement custom authorization logic. You can also manipulate the headers in the request before it is sent to the application.

There is no set max response time limit for the webhook to complete but if the response time is longer, it will affect the user experience.

The Webhook will be called with the following payload:

    "action": "login",
    "user": {
        "id": "user-id",
        "username": "user-name",
        "email": "user-email",
        "firstName": "user-first-name",
        "lastName": "user-last-name",
        "roles": ["role-1", "role-2"]
    "application": {
        "id": "application-id",
        "name": "application-name",
        "description": "application-description",
        "category": "application-category",
        "service": "application-service",
        "ingressUrl": "application-ingress-url",
        "port": "application-port",
        "path": "application-path",
        "ingress": "application-ingress"